Kotlin vs Java What Are the Key Differences?

In this article, we will break down Kotlin’s and Java’s differences and similarities so you can make informed decisions and move seamlessly between the two. On the other hand, Kotlin is a fast emerging language that provides developers with the opportunity to experiment with the latest modern programming paradigms in Android development. Therefore, Kotlin is a better choice for developing modern-day Android apps. Almost every app in the Google Play store is based on Kotlin, which serves as a base for writing microservices.

Consequently, you can integrate the abundant collection of Java libraries in your Kotlin projects. In 2017, Google announced Kotlin as the official language for Android development, leading to the widespread adoption of Kotlin among Android developers. And the well-known issues, that it’s challenging developers with, have started to grow from “all too familiar” problems to some major sources of frustration. In Kotlin variables are defined using val or var to help developers easily understand which values can be reassigned.

Why use Kotlin instead of Java

It’s important to familiarize yourself with these features to fully leverage the benefits of Kotlin. Understanding the historical background of Kotlin and Java provides valuable context to their evolution and design decisions. Java, developed by Sun Microsystems in the mid-1990s, has undergone numerous updates to keep pace with modern programming needs. Kotlin, on the other hand, is a relatively new language developed by JetBrains. It was designed to address certain shortcomings in Java, such as verbosity and null safety issues.


For instance, the Kotlin language has built-in null safety, which helps avoid NullPointerException errors. It also supports data classes and lambdas, helping developers code more concisely and expressively. However, Kotlin does not enjoy as much support from the Android community as Java.

Since then, its popularity has surged, thanks to its concise syntax and interoperability with Java. It’s also worth noting that, unlike Java, semicolons are optional in Kotlin. Kotlin also provides other distinctive features, such as sealed classes, singletons, inline functions, and functional programming. It eliminates much of the boilerplate present in Java by introducing features such as type inference, smart casts, data classes, and null safety. When starting a new project, choosing a programming language is one of the most critical things to consider.

Brief Overview of Java

Is’ or ‘is’ check on a variable, the compiler tracks this information and will automatically cast the variable to the target type where is the ‘! For example, the Kotlin plugin can make an ideal transition tool for a Java developer, as it allows easy conversion of Java to Kotlin. It’s important to be aware of the fact that Java is a compiled language, which means that code is converted into machine-readable instructions before it is executed.

Because Kotlin uses fewer lines of code, it’s easier to deploy and maintain a Kotlin application than Java. In Kotlin, the variable specification data type is not required, while in Java, the variable data type is required. Declaring variable data type has some advantages, like easy identification of some types of error, optimizing memory, and increasing the speed of arithmetic processing.

Transitioning between the two languages requires a clear understanding of their features and differences. Java, on the other hand, has a long history and a large pool of skilled developers, making it a robust and reliable choice for many projects. It’s platform independent, which means the written code can be run on various devices without modification. Java also provides checked exceptions, a feature that enhances error detection and resolution. When selecting a language for your project, considering performance and memory usage is crucial.

In addition, due to Kotlin’s Coroutines tool, it’s also easier to work with multi-threaded apps. However, Kotlin compiles and executes a little slower than Java, which is mainly due to its extensive number of features. As a multi-threaded language, Java includes a built-in garbage collector and supports memory management, unlike other languages like C++. Because it is network-centric, Java facilitates distributed computing, and it supports checked exceptions that are caught as they occur.

Kotlin is a younger competitor, not as prevalent as Java, but has shown significant growth, particularly in the field of Android development. In fact, Google recognized Kotlin as their second official language for Android development in 2017. Two years later, Kotlin was declared as the preferred language for Android development, leading to a surge in its popularity and usage.

This feature, along with its interoperability with Java, makes Kotlin a flexible choice for modern programming needs. Google’s first-class support of Kotlin for Android development has driven its widespread adoption. However, most of the Android SDK supports libraries and legacy applications https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ that are still in Java so that you can use both languages in the same codebase for Android development. It is a general purpose open source programming language for the JVM as well as Android and combines the features of both functional and object-oriented programming.

kotlin development team

More developers and organizations are embracing Kotlin with Ktor and Kotlin/JS for web development. Nonetheless, Java still has the upper hand in this area thanks to its extensive, stable, and mature ecosystem of libraries and frameworks tailored for web development. In Kotlin, variables are non-nullable by default unless you explicitly mark them as nullable using the ? By contrast, if you can assign null to any variable in Java, it makes it prone to null pointer exceptions. Two languages that stand out in web and mobile development are Kotlin and Java.

Why use Kotlin instead of Java

India has a large population of junior developers, and Java is fairly simple to learn, so many students begin learning with Java. This trend extends beyond India as well, with junior developers across the world beginning their education with Java. According to data from Google Trends, Java peaks the interest of developers more than Kotlin. Although Java has experienced several ups and downs, the popularity of the language stays ahead of Kotlin by a long shot. Both Kotlin and Java compile to ByteCode, which runs on JVM, so it’s difficult to compare them in terms of memory usage. Therefore, measuring, tracking, and comparing their performance is hard.

  • However, these differences are minor and likely won’t significantly impact the performance of your application.
  • Kotlin, on the other hand, was designed to compile quickly in the most frequent software development scenarios, and in fact often compiles faster than Java code.
  • However, managing multiple threads can be a complex task for developers.
  • If you are looking for software developers to help your business with its Kotlin or Java development projects, contact DAC Digital for more information..
  • Kotlin is a younger competitor, not as prevalent as Java, but has shown significant growth, particularly in the field of Android development.

Java, a stalwart in the software development industry, and Kotlin, a more recent entrant, have different approaches to some programming concepts. For instance, both languages support Lambda expressions, but Kotlin takes it a notch higher with inline functions and operator overloading for more performant custom control structures. Kotlin also introduces Smart Casts, a feature not present in Java, that simplifies the handling of variables. Java, an object-oriented programming language, has been a cornerstone in the software development industry for over two decades.

Kotlin is a tool-friendly language since it can be written and converted from Java using IntelliJ, NetBeans, Eclipse, and other IDEs. Finally, Kotlin has a smart cast feature, which reduces the application’s cost and enhances its speed and performance. Kotlin has an interoperable language feature that makes it possible to call Java code. It can also create external declarations for Java Script libraries, utilizing the full power of the Kotlin type system. Java is a dynamic language, which makes it possible for developers to modify the program structure while it is running. Java offers many security features in addition to frameworks like Spring and Spring Boot, which is also known as Spring Security.